Chronicles of Love, Part III

"LOVE IS KIND" - 1 Cor. 13

There is always room to do better. There is always room for us to go the extra mile. Whether it is obvious or not, there is always a method that promotes the best outcome. And while it is true that we sometimes CANNOT carry the burden the extra mile, it is also true that we often just CHOOSE NOT to....

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="221" caption="Mmm, mmm, good..."]Mmm, mmm, good...[/caption]

If you study the word "kind" as it is used here in I Corinthians 13, you'll find the transliterated word, "chresteuomai." I won't even pretend that I know how to pronounce that. It would sound something similar to the noise your mouth makes when spitting out sunflower seed hulls...not that I have any experience, but...

Chresteuomai means "mild" or to be mild. "Chrestos" (the origin of the word) means "fit" or "fit for use," or, as it is often translated, "pleasant" or "better." The Greek language assimilated "mildness" with "appropriate behavior" in their culture; a culture which was torn for quite some time by war, violence and injustice. When translating the original language of the Scripture, they saw fit to use this word, which implies that love chooses the "better" way; and most often the "milder" way.

In regards to words, the Scripture encourages a "soft" response. As Christians, we are instructed that "gentleness" is a fruit of God's Spirit working in us. One thing we find unmistakable and unquestionable from 1 Corinthians 13 is that there is NO harsh qualities to Love. May you seek the "better" way this week. May God enlighten you to (as Paul said) "the most excellent way." (1 Cor. 12:31 - NIV)


  1. Thanks for that, Jeff. I really need to remember more kindness and "mildness" when dealing with those I love sometimes.

    PS: Dill Pickle Sunflower Seeds???

  2. Not sure anyone wants to hear the sound of dill pickel sunflower sead would make coming out of my mouth....... Adam


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