Working Hard or Hardly Working?

I'm taking a little break from the current topic I've been blogging consecutively about for a couple of weeks to address this great passage and the paraphrase above.  I think it's important to constantly keep people like Paul out in the forefront of our minds as we serve.

In my life I always find that when I complain and become dissatisfied it's always because I'm struggling through "downtime" in my area of giftedness in service.  When I am not engaged in the responsibilities that require my undivided attention and my undying devotion to Christ, everything around me seems to be falling apart.

This week was proof of that.  Negativity quickly set in on me and almost stole my joy simply because I put aside for a brief time those things which I am called to do for Christ.  My question to you is, does that happen to you?  Are you always positive and encouraging, excited and compelled by the service to which you are called?  Or are you on vacation from service and finding yourself dissatisfied and negative?

Maybe it's just me, though?


  1. I think we all go through times when "news", circumstances, not being open to God's leading for the day, time etc. and we fall into a period of negativity. It's when we look around instead of looking upwards. Don't you know that Paul felt extra guilt of all he had done previously against Christ? He probably did start off trying to work his hardest ......probably thinking his work would please God. What he did find out was that we have to ask, wait, and listen to God's direction for work. That person you quoted was right. When it is acted upon as God has desired us to do, then He does the work through us. It will be His way, His time, His energy flowing through us, and His Spirit giving us His divine wisdom. Sometimes we just feel that we have to work for the sake of working. That's "we" not Him.

  2. Right on! I agree with you there! Especially that "news" part - it's amazing how hard it is nowadays to watch the news and NOT be depressed or angry.

    I keep telling myself, "it's all about Him,"

  3. Jeff,

    I think that I experience this when I am trying to be in charge of my life. I have found that things work out better when I search for God in whatever is happening. By allowing God to take the lead the twists and turns of life take on a different dimension. Life becomes an adventure.... instead of a dreaded journey.... when bad things happen instead of asking "why me"... I ask "why not me?".... what have I done to prevent this? What have I done to cause this?


  4. It's amazing how God leads us to others who are struggling, or have struggled and pushed through, similar things at just the right time. I've felt the same way for a couple of weeks now. We went on vacation, then had a sick household and missed church for 2 weeks. I realize that these feelings are - as Bette said - because I started looking around instead of looking up. It's good to know that we all go through these times and can help to lift one another up. Thanks for this post, Jeff!


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