"I am able to do all things through Him, who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13 (HCSB)
Trust. Every day we have to do it. Who will you trust today? A friend, a co-worker, a classmate, a publication, a politician, an internet column?
"Where you choose to place your trust will determine the direction and quality of your life." - Bill Hybels
When life gets tough (i.e., when fatigue, discouragement, anxiety, or pain interfere), to whose power do you turn? Who's advice, wisdom and care do you covet most?
Perhaps a more important question is not "who SHOULD you trust," but "how can we stay focused on that trust?" I think it's obvious that only a perfect, creator God deserves our absolute trust in both the comfortable and the discomforted times. But what keeps us on task?
I personally need a tangible, "in-your-face" reminder to keep me on task. I like to call it a "Trigger," and I surround myself with them. I'm constantly putting up notes and signs and announcements that intervene and encroach on my personal workspace, daily reminding me that my life is worthless without Christ.
What about you? How do you spur yourself on to keep "the main thing the main thing" from week to week, day to day? What do you do intentionally to keep God out front and everything else in the background? How do you "trigger" yourself?
One of the things on my office wall that keeps me focused on eternal things is a single scrap of wood, on which I have written the words,
"Learning to see every soul as God sees them."
...just one of many that helps me maintain the perspective of eternity and keeps my trust focused where it should be...tell me yours? I'd love to hear comments back from you.
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