The Fire of God

"The sinners in Jerusalem shake with fear. 'Which one of us,' they cry, 'can live here in the presence of this all-consuming fire?'" (Isaiah 33:14 NLT)

God, as an "all-consuming" fire is not one of our favorite images to conjure up when we want to dwell on our Father-in-Heaven.  We love to hear Scripture that reminds us that he is our "Abba" father (or "Daddy" if you please), but accepting his role as the "devouring flame" that consumes us and refines us with His heat is not exactly "PC" to modern culture.

But, nonetheless, it is relevant.  Some things we do as a church are not relevant to 2010 or to the 21st century, at all.  These, however, are physical things, which are not constant, unchanging characteristics of a perfectly unchanging God.  All of the characteristics of God from Genesis to Revelation will remain to the end, and we cannot afford to leave out our "least favorites" just to make ourselves more comfortable.

So, how do we address this "all-consuming" flame that is going to burn us up in order to make us that much stronger?  How can we withstand the heat or survive the burning inferno and come out closer to Him on the other side?  Thankfully, Isaiah doesn't leave us in the dark.  Instead, he tells us that it is the sinners in Jerusalem who must fear this fire.  But that for those who seek righteousness, those who pursue what is godly and holy, and those who run when they see Satan's schemes, they will be the ones to dwell in the Lord and to reap the greatest benefit of the results of His consuming fire.

God did not come to punish...He is looking for His faithful children, that they might be rewarded.  Look forward to whatever fire the Lord brings your way and know that your God seeks to edify you in your faithfulness to Him.

John Maxwell says the following leaders will be able to "stand up in a crisis:" those with Integrity, those who seek Justice, those faithful to their Convictions, those with a Positive focus, those whose thoughts are Pure, and those who are Secure in their life in Christ.


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