Be Surprised!

God is still on the throne, and He is still more powerful than we can comprehend. Over the thousands of years of recorded history, that has never changed, and never will. But, despite that undeniable truth, we are still very often surprised by God and by how He works in this life on earth. And is it any wonder?  Just consider who He really is.Moon in Daylight

1 Peter 4:12-13 warns us not to be surprised by trials, hardships and the difficulties of this life, but to rejoice in the fact that we suffer on Christ's behalf...and all this so that on the day that we stand before His throne, we can be filled with joy at His glorious revelation to the world.

And if we remain faithful and true to the God who created us and saves us, we find that He will not fail us.  Perhaps it's just all about realizing what a gift it is to be alive, and to have work and to be so filled with gratitude that we can't find time to complain, but can only find time to be amazed by God.

So, be surprised by God today! You can't determine the outcome nor the length of your life on this earth, but you can help determine whether someone will come to know God's saving grace because of you. If we are unable to acknowledge His joy in us, or unable to be filled with His joy if even for this one day of life that He's given, no one will ever be able to truly see the living Savior in us.  Does God surprise you again and again, day after day?



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