Chronicles of Love, Part X
Some would argue that true love is defending or standing up for someone, even when you know that they are in the wrong. That is perhaps one of the most difficult things about love, though. While we are to protect one another, this passage does not justify immoral behavior.
Perhaps the easiest way to keep this in perspective is to avoid the NIV translation, altogether. Even though many of us may have been raised memorizing that version, this word "protects" has an inappropriate connotation in the American-English vernacular. It's true that the word in the Greek can be translated "protects," but the English word "protect" that is used here is not simply one who stands between, but one who carries the eminent load. In other words, regardless of whether your family member, friend, (etc.) is wrong or right, we are called by God to help them carry their burden. It doesn't mean we fight their battles, or defend their improprieties.
Much like the way Atlas carries the world in Greek mythology, we are to exert ourselves in assisting with others burdens. That means (sorry to have to say this) it is going to be hard. I think we often choose the easy way out and "take sides," pretending that we loving someone, when we're really just condoning their actions, dishonestly. Instead of going to war for those we love, perhaps we just need to be there, by their side, offering our hand, and giving it as soon as it is requested of us. Not compromising ourselves or our ethics/morals, but doing the work that needs to be done to strengthen each other and protect each other from being crushed.
Oh yeah, and in case you thought you might be off the hook on this one: No, I'm not just talking about your brothers and sisters in Christ. Are you prepared to protect a complete stranger, for the sake of their salvation or their well-being? When was the last time you did that for someone? Be honest with yourself...
Some would argue that true love is defending or standing up for someone, even when you know that they are in the wrong. That is perhaps one of the most difficult things about love, though. While we are to protect one another, this passage does not justify immoral behavior.
Perhaps the easiest way to keep this in perspective is to avoid the NIV translation, altogether. Even though many of us may have been raised memorizing that version, this word "protects" has an inappropriate connotation in the American-English vernacular. It's true that the word in the Greek can be translated "protects," but the English word "protect" that is used here is not simply one who stands between, but one who carries the eminent load. In other words, regardless of whether your family member, friend, (etc.) is wrong or right, we are called by God to help them carry their burden. It doesn't mean we fight their battles, or defend their improprieties.
Oh yeah, and in case you thought you might be off the hook on this one: No, I'm not just talking about your brothers and sisters in Christ. Are you prepared to protect a complete stranger, for the sake of their salvation or their well-being? When was the last time you did that for someone? Be honest with yourself...
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