Chronicles of Love, Part VI

"...IT IS NOT RUDE..."

When I walk onto the church parking lot and spot trash or unsightly items that don't belong on the grounds, I pick them up, bring them in the building with me and throw them away.  When I see trash along the sidewalk at the grocery store, or misplaced shopping carts at Sam's, I refuse to leave such things unattended.  Why?

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="403" caption="Shopping Cart Crop Circles"]Shopping Cart Crop Circles[/caption]

Because it's rude to leave a mess for someone else, regardless of who made it in the first place.  I believe by Jesus' words all throughout the New Testament, we can assess that he was compelling us to try and live lives that are above reproach in all aspects.  In many cases, this meant "going the extra mile" or just doing those thing that the average person of the world would respond to with, "that's not my job!"

"Rude" - the root of the word used in the Scripture is "indecent" or "unseemly" - it has been defined as "unbecoming" or "to act unbecomingly."  It's implications are more closely tied to the reaction of those who witness your behavior, rather than the behavior itself.  If those around you are incensed by your behavior, you have failed to behave as Christ would have.  Hence, it could be said that "rude" implies any action that is so self-seeking in it's nature that its effects are gained at someone else's expense.

How much does it cost the next person if you leave that trash lying in an inappropriate location so that the next rain can make it even messier?  Or what will it cost the kingdom if the impression we leave with our guests causes them to think us hypocrites?  How frustrating is it for the store's cart attendant to clean up after 20 people have piled their carts up on the curb or in a handicapped parking spot?  Is your passive negligence costing someone else?  Do people see your actions and run, or do your deeds cause them to desperately want to know the God you serve?

How much different are we than everyone else?

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."  - Romans 12:2 (NIV)


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